Helpful links

Helpful Sites
North American Falconers Association
California Hawking Book selection
North American Falconers Exchange
We Love all kinds of birds and so does Amelia, a bird lover just like us. Unfortunately in Canada we can't hunt with eagles but learning about them and other species of birds fills us with great joy. Check out this great link she provided us about Bald Eagles.
Recommended Reading
The Red-tailed Hawk: Liam J.McGranaghan
Falconry, Art and Practice: Emma Ford
Apprentice Manual: California Hawking Club Western Sporting
The Arte of Falconry: Patric Morel
Understanding the Bird of Prey: Dr. Nick Fox, 1995
Apprentice Study Guide: California Hawking Club F.W. Holderman editor
The Falconer's Apprentice - A Guide to Training the Passage Red-Tailed Hawk: Oakes, William C. 1994
Falconry Equipment: Kimsey and Hodge 1992, Kimsey
Medical Management of Birds of Prey: P. Redig 1993 The Raptor Centre University of Minnesota
North American Falconry and Hunting Hawks: Beebe and Webster
The Complete Falconer: F.L. Beebe
Gamehawking...At Its Very Best: Webster 1988 C/O Windsong Press
The Hunting Falcon: Bruce A. Haak
Veterinary Aspects of Captive Birds of Prey: Cooper, J. E. 1985 Standfast Press, The Old Rectory Charington