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Falconers have a long history of being involved in the Conservation of Raptors in Saskatchewan. The SFC is proud to carry on this work working alongside other conservation operations such as the Provinces Permitted Bird Banders, American Kestrel nesting boxes and power line awarness. Through this work a lot of useful information is gathered about the nesting and feeding habits of different Raptorial species as well as the wellbeing and continued stewardship of raptors. 

Peregrine Falcon 


In 1978 the peregrine falcon was designated as endangered by Canada’s new Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada.


Peregrine falcons have never been very abundant worldwide. Studies in the 1930's and 1940's estimated that there were possibly 500 breeding pairs of peregrine falcons in the eastern United States, about 1,000 pairs in the West and Mexico and even fewer in Canada. Then, beginning in the late 1940's, peregrine falcons suffered a devastating and rapid decline.

By the mid-1960's, the species had been eliminated from nearly all of the eastern U.S. Although less severe, the decline spread west, where peregrine populations were reduced by 80 to 90 percent by the mid-1970's. At that time, only the populations of Peale’s falcons nesting along the North Pacific Coast in Alaska and British Columbia appeared to be stable. 


High concentrations of the pesticide DDT and its breakdown product DDE was detrimental to peregrine falcons and other birds of prey. The peregrines accumulated DDT in their tissues by feeding on birds that had eaten DDT-contaminated insects or seeds. The toxic chemical interfered with eggshell formation. As a result, falcons laid eggs with shells so thin they often broke during incubation or otherwise failed to hatch. Because too few young were raised to replace adults that died, peregrine populations declined rapidly. 


Under a cooperative effort among the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, wildlife agencies, The Peregrine Fund, Santa Cruz Predatory Bird Research Group, and the Midwestern Peregrine Falcon Restoration Project, more than 6,000 Peregrines have been released since 1974. Large-scale reintroductions of peregrines have ceased due to the Peregrine’s recovery, and relatively few reintroductions are still taking place though there still are government contracts to breed and release these magnificent birds. 


In August 1999, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service removed the American Peregrine falcon from the list of endangered and threatened species, marking one of the most dramatic successes of the Endangered Species Act. 

In April 2007, the Peregrine Falcon in Canada was designated Special Concern. Status re-examined and designated Not at Risk in November 2017.


It is through the dedication of falcon groups, government agencies and the conservation efforts that we are able to enjoy the Peregrine Falcon for years to come. 




American Kestrel 


The Club is actively engaged in the manufacture of nesting boxes for the American Kestrel, which is currently a species under threat in North America.


Club members then erect the boxes in suitable locations and monitor them. The location of each box is recorded and forwarded to the official conservation body which monitors the scheme.


If you are interested in being part of this initiative by purchasing a box or donating to the costs of construction please Contact us.

Power Line Initiative 

The International Association for Falconry and Conservation of Birds of Prey and Mongolian Falconry Association collect funds to save Saker Falcons from electrocution.


On average, one Saker is electrocuted in Mongolia every two hours.

The estimated minimum number of Sakers electrocuted each year is 4,000.


With the money collected, The International Association for Falconry and Conservation finance the retrofitting of lines which are most dangerous for Sakers in Mongolia and Asia.


The SFC club is honored to assist in this endeavour, supporting and funding the project as funds allow. The project aims to assist ecologists and energy specialists in immediately implementing methods to stop the deaths of Saker Falcons, by electrocution from power lines.


Saskatchewan Falconers Club 

Saskatchewan Falconers Club

Box 1241

Pilot Butte, Sk.

S0G 3Z0


 © Saskatchewan Falconers Club 2016

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